Bonaire koraal nursery

Mission on Bonaire

My mission on Bonaire. To save the coral reefs.

As an official Reef Renewal volunteer, for all of us. My religion is EARTH and my holy book the sea.

The here and now and being positively present with my physical is all I have. After years of thinking about (sea) life and mulling over how bad things are with the oceans and reefs worldwide, I am now here in Bonaire to turn those thoughts into something super positive. Not thinking, but doing!


And so I recently left for Bonaire to save the coral reef. My sea heart bled and I just had to do something. The coral reefs around Bonaire have been suffering very badly for years. So last week I took the  Reef Renewal course done. And wow, I learned and did so much. Staked and planted out healthy corals, cleaned the nurseries, learned a lot of theory…..and passed! And now I am officially “Padi Reef Renewal Diver”!

Bonaire cuttings coral 1

A desire that has become a reality and one that benefits us all. Because without healthy coral reefs, we are all screwed. Rolling up my sleeves and literally contributing my coral rock on Bonaire. It is desperately needed.

For anyone thinking, “Why do we all have any use for this? Just some funfacts about corals and my Bonaire mission.

  • Bonaire is a special municipality of the Netherlands.
  • A coral is an animal, not a plant.
  • Coral reefs are the cradle of oceans, roughly the Amazon of the sea.
  • Only one percent of the oceans consist of coral reefs. 25% of all marine life depends on those reefs.
  • Bonaire’s coral reefs (and worldwide) are under great pressure (from us humans). It is truly shocking to see how many corals have been lost in recent years.
  • The world is caught up in prosperity. Global warming and pollution is unfortunately (almost) unstoppable.  
  • Underwater diseases and overfishing have caused marine life to be completely out of balance. For example, the sea urchin, which normally eats the excess algae from the reefs, is almost nonexistent in Caribbean waters. As a result, the corals are suffocating.
  • Coral reefs also protect the mainland. They serve as breakwaters. Just like the Dutch dunes.
  • Healthy coral reefs provide enough fish for the traditional (just using the handline, that is) fishermen and thus income. The fishermen now have to go further and further out to sea in their small boats.
  • Underwater tourism is an important source of income for Bonaire. As the reefs disappear, so do many jobs.  
  • In the last 30 yAR, 50% of the world’s coral reefs have been lost. So that means that if we do nothing now there will be NO reefs left in 30 years.  

  • ÀLL sunscreen you can buy in NL and Europe is super bad for the sea. Even if it says ‘reef-friendly’ on it. That is a bullshit sales trick. In Europe there are no rules for this, unfortunately. If it contains chemicals it is always bad. In your vacation country, please buy real reef-friendly products at the local store.
  • So Bonaire’s reefs (and worldwide) are having a thunderous time. The seawater has been far too warm in recent months, causing bleaching. Bleaching is a stress reaction that causes coral to bleach. White coral may look pretty, but it’s totally shitty. Often the coral dies afterwards and eventually becomes sand.
  • So that. And then I was done watching and donating. I had to do more. Something physical. Really help. No more thinking about how we can improve the seas, but do something.

So, here I am. On Bonaire. With my best swimming leg up.  

Learning new things, cutting corals and “outplanting” the strong new corals in hopes of saving Bonaire’s reefs. And it’s working. I’ve seen it. Beautiful patches of coral are growing back. But so much more needs to be done! And if we do nothing now we are really fucked. Then soon the reef around Bonaire will be completely gone.  

Want to know more about Reef Renewal Foundation Bonaire? Read about it here! Super fun and interesting. And yes, I now volunteer for RRFB. With my head under the water trying to literally make the world a more beautiful place. For all of us now, but especially for generations to come.  

Of course I am also just voicing!!!

Meanwhile, I have a good studio on Bonaire and deliver quickly, as you would expect from me, beautiful high-end audio suitable for TV, radio and online. These clients have already received beautiful voice-overs from here.

Because well, from volunteering I (and my family) unfortunately cannot live. So please book me! You won’t notice I’m here and the reefs and fish of Bonaire are very happy with the work we do. I’m here for you with a positive head and radiant aqua green heart. So book me especially! You won’t notice I’m here and Bonaire’s reefs and fish are very happy with the work we do. I’m here for you with a positive head and radiant aqua green heart. 😉 

When will I go to Holland again? No idea. After all, my family is just in Haarlem, but as long as we can manage without each other, it’s okay. They understand that I have to do this mission and together we are stronger than ever.

Take care, x


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